New Artist: Miley extracts unknown. / Nuevos extractos de canciones de Miley no conocidas.
Webrought4newsongsunknownextractsofMiley,whichwere neverreleasedinto the airorthat were nevercompleted.Are namedBrokenGlass,SpotlightOnYou,ICan notBreatheandDream.DO NOTwe are surethatthesongsare truesothatweas aRUMOR. / Te trajimos 4 nuevos extractos de canciones no conocidas de Miley , que jamas fueron lanzadas al aire o que nunca fueron terminadas . Llevan por nombre Broken Glass, Spotlight On You, I Can’t Breathe y Dream. NO tenemos certeza de que las canciones sean ciertas asi que las dejamos en calidad de RUMOR.
Broken Glass Have you ever felt like you need to start over
Be a new person and be set free?
Sometimes, do you ever feel
As if you’re looking through broken glass
With a broken future and shattered past?
Don’t let the what- ifs or should’ve- beens hold you back
It’s your time and your dreams
Be a sun shining bright
Not a cloud dull and dim
You can change the world
And bring the light
Spotlight On You (escrita para Emily Osment) Im tryin’ to be brave
Prayin’ everything’s gonna be okay
Cuz’ I know I’m Bout to be in…
The Spotlight
I see myself up on that stage
With the Spotlight
With the cheerin’ crowd before my eyes
Rockin’ on my guitar
Being a superstar
But all I really need is you
I Can’t Breathe I can’t tell you why the sun shines
I can’t explain the memorise
I don’t know why time flies by
But ask me and I’ll tell you why (Coro)
I’m blessed to have you in my life
I can’t live another day without you by my side
It’s getting harder and harder to breath
So I’m beggin’ you
Don’t take her away from me
I’ve known since I met your
You’re an angel sent to me
I remember that when you looked in my eyes
I fell in love with your smile (Puente)
& I can say – you help my heart beat every day
& I believe I’ll never be alone
You’ll live in me…
Dream (con Brandi Cyrus) Follow your dreams
Follow your heart
Show everyone in a glomery sky
You can be a shining star
Don’t lose your faith
Cause’ there might come a day
When everything could disappear
Oh, but yours dreams will still be here
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