jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Facts 3.0 (Miley and her feelings.)

1.-Did you know that Miley is not considered a romantic person "I'm not a romantic person, I am not fanatic of kitsch, if I want to win never will do it with roses and a dinner by candlelight"
2.-YOU KNOW Miley has more male friends than women? "I have the same interests as girls, usually think about clothes, boys, dances, sometimes people do not believe, but those things are the least run through my head at this time"

3.-Did you know that Miley would like to be more sensitive? "I have strong character, I am rarely sweet and understanding girl. I would like to be a bit more sensible. It must be nice to be a little smoother with the people"

4.-YOU KNOW Miley always tries to solve its problems itself? "When I have a problem trying to think alone and find a solution. The discomfort will not last long. I take time to calm down and think. Things are resolved alone, is the nature of life. Nothing is so serious "

5 .- YOU KNOW people hate Miley tampering? "They are always those people who want to know how you feel, only out of commitment or to learn about your life. I know it's hard but I like that approach when I'm wrong and want to know the reason why I am so. My family and my best friends know that the best thing at this time is leaving me alone and if I need to draw on them without hesitation "

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